Creators Stamp Rally - Winter 2008!
Posted by Jennaa Loire | Posted in week 2 week | Posted on 9:16 PM
I went and did this today and loved it! So I had to do a blog post all about it... and tell you to get your bums off to do it. It's fantastic and the prizes are just awesome. This fantastic idea runs till the 18th of January 2009. So make sure you do it before it finishes.
Basically what happens is... you can get a CSR stamp card when you buy a CSR identified item. The card will be included with what you buy. This could be anything from a new hair at 69 to a new shirt at Cubic Effect. Once you have the card attach the card (either to any position of your body or to your HUD is okay), and visit all CSR stores. In no particular order, but you do need to visit all stores to complete your stamp collecting quest.
When you get to a store participating in the Rally touch a CSR stamping machine to stamp at the store. It's free, no charge. You can exchange your full stamped CSR stamp card (it must have 20 stores' stamps on it) to one of your favourite prizes available at the CSR Event Hall. No matter where you get a card. You can choose any prize you want. Here is the LM to the CSR Event Hall where you need to go to select your prize.
As a stamp card is transferable, you can give it your friend to enjoy this event together. You can even give him/her your completed card as an easy and great gift. There is a fantastic set of instructions on the website... so if you get confused just head over there. It also has a list of SLURL'S you will need to hit every single one of the 20 shops you need to visit to get a stamp.
The best thing is I got three cards, with items I purchased over $100L and I attached all of them at the one time. That way every stamp I did, went to every card. So there is no need to do it over and over again. Unless you want to go back and visit all the amazing sims and shops again. I know I did. Alot of the stores have lucky chairs as well... so I managed to pick up a few extra items lol.
Creators Stamp Rally Website:
The website has a gallery of the prizes you can chose from, and the CSR Event Hall has alot of them displayed which is great to see what you are getting.
The designers and stores in this rally are just amazing... you really have to see the list.
HPMD (which personally I loved to pieces)
Draconic Kiss
Zero Style
Gritty Kitty
Black Knight
:: Sixty-nine ::*Edelweiss*
Ce Cubic Effect
Sweetest Good-bye
Le Petit Prince
Curious Kitties
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